Pooja’s background as a management professional provided a perfect platform for her to train young women leaders in India’s social sector. In 2011 Pooja joined Tarun Bharat Sangh, working on projects related to women, water and river restoration and rejuvenation. This work started her on her self-development journey, where she realised her life’s purpose was to help transform the lives of millions of underprivileged women and girls. Pooja is a mother of two beautiful children.
Traun Bharat Sangh was founded in 1975 by Rajendra Singh, affectionately known as Jalpurush in Hindi, and the Waterman of India in English, www.tarunbharatsangh.in. Tarun Bharat Sangh, under the leadership and guidance of Rajendra Singh has transformed the lives of millions of villagers across India and the world with his work in water restoration and rejuvenation. He has revived depleted lands using the application of unique indigenous knowledge systems for life restoration and Peace. He is the recipient of numerous awards worldwide for his contribution to Water and Peace, including the prestigious, Stockholm Water Prize.
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